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Aphrodite - 1001 stories

Not far from Ah Salah on the road to Timbuktu, your caravan is hit by a sudden and ferocious sandstorm. As you look for a blanket to cover yourself, the rest of the caravan disappears into the storm, and you are left wandering in the desert alone. After some days the clouds of dust thin and you discover, by some sort of miracle, a tent half buried in the sand. Thinking it must have been abandoned, you slip under the tarp of the doorway and to your surprise, find inside, a beautiful girl lounging upon an antique divan. She sits up quickly a bit startled by your entry. "I am Lawrence of Arabia" you proclaim boldly. After a long and thoughtful silence, she replies "and I am Aphrodite, the Sultan's Daughter."

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Aphrodite the Sultan's Daughter

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